Expanded Tax Research Service

The NSTP Tax Research Service is an expanded research resource available to both members and non-members. You will be provided with a written report including tax sources, tax code, and tax law cites as appropriate. The rate for members is a minimum $150.00 for the first half-hour, then $75.00 for each additional half hour. Non-member rates are $200.00 for the first half-hour, then $100.00 for each additional half hour. The NSTP Tax Research Service focuses on providing assistance with federal tax issues. The Tax Research staff is unable to assist with either state-specific or software entry issues.

To initiate a research request, select the link, “Submit your question here!” and complete the form. All information must be provided, including a detailed description of your request. Be sure to include what research or resources you may have already accessed regarding this topic. One of our Tax Researchers will receive your completed form and contact you to fulfill the research request. The Tax Research Service will respond to your request within 48 to 72 hours (not including weekends or federal holidays).

Payment for the initial fee ($150 Members, or $200 non-members) must be made at the time the request is submitted. If the researcher feels that additional time will be needed to fulfill the request, they will inform the requestor during the initial contact. NSTP Members will receive Dividend Reward points when utilizing this service.

Please Note

NSTP's Tax Research Service is a completely different service from our Tax Helpline. NSTP's Tax Helpline Service, by telephone only, is available to members with payment of 10 continuing education credits taken or registered each membership year. The Tax Helpline Service does not provide responses to emails or by email or other written follow-up to the issues presented. Please go to the Member Section of the website for the telephone number and other information regarding the Tax Helpline Service.


Although the Tax Researcher has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the materials, neither the researcher/author nor the NSTP assumes any responsibility for any individual’s reliance on the information provided. Each participant should verify independently the information provided before relying on it, and assess the tax and other consequences of using the particular strategy, technique, or suggestion before recommending the same to a client or implementing the same on a client’s behalf.

Expanded Tax Research | Non-Members

Login For Member Rates

First 60 minutes: $200.00 (Non-Member Rate)

Expanded Tax Research

Initial Fee
First 60 minutes: $200.00
(Non-Member Rate)

Additional Research
Additional 30 minutes: $100.00
(Non-Member Rate)

Additional 30 minutes: $100.00 (Non-Member Rate)

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Contact Info

  •   8513 NE Hazel Dell Ave Suite 204
            Vancouver, WA 98665
  •   1 (800) 367-8130
  •   (360) 695-8309
  •   (360) 695-7115
  •   taxes@nstp.org


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