IRS Forums Committee

  1. Responsibilities/Expectations
    1. Meet regularly commencing months before IRS Forums to strategize
    2. Strategize Marketing materials, hand outs, giveaway’s
    3. Consider volunteer personal to work the IRS exhibit hall Booth
    4. Assist with budget for IRS Forum
    5. Ensure personnel Culture in the Booth
    6. More personnel to access database while at IRS Forum
    7. Promote NSTP best to IRS Forum attendees
    8. Encourage 1 board member other than speakers at each Forum 
    9. Spanish speaking person at every booth

Chair -- Summer Hodges

Contact Info

  •   8513 NE Hazel Dell Ave Suite 204
            Vancouver, WA 98665
  •   1 (800) 367-8130
  •   (360) 695-8309
  •   (360) 695-7115


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