About NSTP

The National Society of Tax Professionals (NSTP) is dedicated to serving the tax professional. Founded in 1985, NSTP is a non-profit organization.
NSTP is committed to helping its members attain the greatest expertise, proficiency, and competency in all areas of the tax profession. NSTP exists to equip our members to be qualified to effectively provide professional tax preparation services for their clients.
For nearly 40 years, NSTP has endeavored to support the tax professional community with top quality education delivered by knowledgeable, accomplished instructors. Instructors teach not only about the tax law but how to apply complex tax rules to an individual client's situation. Our presentations are approved for Continuing Education credits with the IRS, NASBA and CTEC.
NSTP maintains a high level of contact with the Internal Revenue Service. NSTP members are sought out for their experience and expertise by the IRS whenever new initiatives or programs are being reviewed.