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Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Application Form

The National Society of Tax Professionals (NSTP) is dedicated to serving the tax professional. NSTP supports its membership and the tax professional community with top quality education primarily delivered through live education.

Therefore, it would be reasonable to expect that NSTP's Nominating Committee members have experienced live NSTP education. This allows them to understand beforehand the importance and value delivered by the organization's main source of income. This is not to devalue the education provided by other organizations, it is to ensure the candidate’s understanding of NSTP’s offerings. This nomination procedure is established for a variety of reasons which are to ensure that the candidate:

  1. demonstrates support for the educational programming of this organization.
  2. demonstrates that they can attend online meetings 80% of the time.
  3. can provide constructive comments to improve the offerings by the organization.
  4. shows evidence of interest in the general welfare of the organization.

Nominating Committee

  1. Responsibilities/Expectations
    1. Oversight of Board candidates process
    2. Qualify Board candidates for Membership voting
    3. May not run for Board while serving as committee member
    4. Interview candidates for NSTP Board of Directors
    5. Check references of Board candidates
    6. Secure and review Board applicants background checks
    7. Meetings during candidate qualification process
    8. Calendar of events for timely processing

Committee Volunteers

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