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Duplicate CAF Requests Increase

Duplicate CAF Requests Increase

Following is a message from the IRS Wage & Investment Division regarding duplicate CAF requests increase:

We are working on initiatives to improve the Centralized Authorization File (CAF) process.  We have noticed a significant increase in duplicate requests (when the same exact request for access to a taxpayers account was sent in more than once).  Sending in duplicate Forms 2848 (Power of Attorney), and 8821 (Tax Information Authorization), will result in processing delays, as both requests must be researched and reviewed.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Fax a request once. Faxing forms to the same or multiple numbers will delay processing.
  2. Double check forms for accuracy. Missing information delays requests.

Reducing the number of duplicates and increasing the accuracy of forms will help us to process requests faster and help with other improvements that we are making.

Thank you for your help!

For more information, click here.